The curious incident of dog in the night time" by
Mark Haddon, is the book in which there's no first chapter, in fact the chapters are numbered with prime numbers only. I came across this book when i was trying to buy a book for my friend at landmark. The book definitely is an eye-catcher with its uncommon name and naturally i too got attracted. The summary at the back didn't promise much,it was about a little guy who tries to investigate the murder of the neighbor's dog and finds out unpleasant truths and also the murderer. I opened the book to skim through and saw the book begins with chapter 2, and then there is no chapter 4 and so on, there was a irregularity about the numbering of chapters.Somehow this aberration lured me into reading this book.

This is a book about a small autistic child,Christopher Boone,who finds his neighbor's dog killed and decides to investigate along the lines of his favorite hero Sherlock Holmes.He investigates people in the neighborhood and his investigations leads him to the truth behind his mother's death. It's a murder mystery of different kind. It's one of those books where we understand more about the situation than the protagonist.The thing i found fascinating in this book was the characterization of Christopher. He's gifted at Mathematics,provides numerous examples of his abilities throughout the book like counting to 2 to the power of 45 when he gets angry or the time when he explains the Monty Hall problem.He knows every prime number till some 7057.He knows capitals of all countries in the world,has a photographic memory.
Also he doesn't like talking to strangers and doesn't even allow anyone to touch him;at one time he even hits his father when he tries to touch him.He finds it difficult to recognize people's moods from their expressions.He surrounds himself with his own rules-he decides what kind of day it is going to be for him by looking at the color and number of cars on the road.It is his abilities and his limitations that gives a suspense to the plot even though we know more than what he does. And it's not just another children's book,it'll be attractive to grownups too.This book should be in everyone's reading list.And now i am searching for his other less famous book"A spot of bother".
Its really a very good book and keep up the good work da..
do let us all know when u find his other book..
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