Monday, June 22, 2009

Can You Help Me, Occupy My Brain?

"I have paid 20 k.I can't afford to miss classes. You surely can't expect me to come on weekends.Maybe once or twice;but 7 weeks on trot. That's too much"
He said this with a contorted look on his face as though he was physically pained at the idea of spending so much money for the classes and then missing them. Someone clicked their tongue sympathetically, a few others commiserated with them. Not to be left behind, i too joined in. I could understand his situation. The amount of money weighs on one's head more than the possibility of missing classes. It was others turn. All others had good valid reasons(really so valid that even the skeptic in me couldn't doubt them) not to come on weekends. Suddenly it was my turn;
" What about you?"
They asked in unison probably expecting me to come up with some kind of excuse. I, for once couldn't think of anything.(Did i want to give an excuse, i very much doubt it)
"I have no issues".
"None whatsoever".
As long as there's something to occupy my brain, to divert its frustrating, possibly "nervous breakdown" leading thoughts, i am game.But i didn't say this aloud.
They looked slightly amused, i guess. But as it would turn out later at the meeting, the weekend shifts were not for us though the weekday graveyard shifts were very much for us.

And I think i have few issues with the weekday GRAVEYARD shifts.

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